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7 Startup success tips

August 15 2023 – Small Biz Icons .

7 Startup success tips
7 Startup success tips

Know your niche


Come up with a killer idea and do the research to really level it up. Know your niche inside and out, this will set you apart from your competition 


Problem Solve


All the big success stories have solved a problem. What problem does your idea solve? Educate your audience and get them to fall in love with you for helping to make their life easier


Fail to plan, plan to fail


It’s that old chestnut - create a solid business plan, this isn’t a boring document, it’s your roadmap to success


Don’t be afraid to delegate 


We can’t all be an expert in everything, even though most of us would love to be! So don’t be afraid to delegate and spend a little money whilst doing so - in the long run this will return in spades 


Start with your MVP


We know you’re a perfectionist, but launch with an MVP a minimum viable product, this will give you the opportunity to gain invaluable feedback and adapt your offering from this 




Branding, product and everything in between evolves as you and your business does too


So don’t be afraid to evolve, no business is the same as when it started


Be resilient 


This is an absolute MUST


Being in business is not easy, but it’s so rewarding, be resilient we all have set-backs


If it were easy, everyone would do it - but trust us, it’s worth it!